
Imagine beads had been there when you were born…

As a child you learned how to recognize colours or how to count with them. You were making bracelets for all of your friends as a teenager and later on you worked your first summer job in a bead factory.

For us in Estrela, this has been a reality.

And when you can place beads in your life as far as you can remember, they are not just business anymore. They are your first childhood memories and sentimental moments of your life. They become a true love and passion.

History of the firm

Our company follows more than one-hundred-year tradition of glass jewellery manufacturing.

The factory was founded in 1892 by Mr Bohumil Hásek, who was a pioneer in technologies of manufacturing of glass beads and imitation pearls. After 1910, the production assortment was enlarged, and since then the firm manufactured imitation pearl beadsfire polished beads and pressed beads.

In 1948, the firm was nationalised and incorporated into the national enterprise Železnobrodské sklo (Železný Brod Glass). After the nationalisation, the factory went on producing glass beads and jewellery.

The delimitation and constitution of Estrela a.s. (Inc.) dates from 1990. In 1994, the firm was privatised.


At present,  we are a purely Czech family run company called Estrella Es-Press, spol. s r.o. (Ltd.) and known under the brand ESTRELA.

We focus on developing and production of surface coated glass beads.

We own a patent for the technology used to make imitation pearls.

We have developed a world´s unique coating technology ENT (Estrella Nano Technology).

Our goal


Our brand names and trademarks ™